Child Protection Safeguarding Policy

Sussex County Croquet Club

(Including the Croquet Academy)

Code of Good Practice – Safeguarding Children

March 2021

Our policy has been updated in compliance with the CA policy. This is a brief summary and the full document is available on the website, as a paper copy in the verandah room and through the CA website.

Young people under 18 [whether members or not] attending the club must be accompanied by a parent/designated responsible adult, or by their own Group Leader in the case of groups.

Members should not put themselves in the position of being alone with a young person but should ensure that they are always in the open or within sight or hearing of other adults when interacting with young people.

Physical contact, "horseplay", taunting, suggestive comments or other potentially inappropriate behaviour should be avoided. If anything of this type is observed between members of a group of children, or between adults and children, it should be mentioned to the group leader or a member of the club committee.

Adults and children should always show respect to each other.

All members should make themselves familiar with the Safeguarding Policy and are reminded that if a child reports an incidence of abuse to a member, the member should ensure that the conversation is only continued in an area within sight of others and that he/she never gives a promise of secrecy.

Reporting Procedure

If any form of abuse is observed, suspected or reported to a member it must be acted upon. An incident report form should be filled in and the Club Safeguarding Officer informed at the earliest opportunity. The Officer will then report the incident to the Club Chairman and together they will decide on the appropriate course of action – which maybe to involve Police, Social Services or NSPCC.

Safeguarding Officer:

Name: Liz Farrow

Telephone: 01903 504850 or 07843 625247


Links to relevant documentation

Last update : 07/03/2021 18:45
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