
Please note there are changes from last year!

Time to enter the internal competitions for 2020

This year we have made a few changes and added two new GC competitions

Please note the following changes this year

Shine Salvers – this year this is a straight knockout

Fryer Cup & Franc Cup – this year these competitions are open to all; there are no handicap restrictions.

GC Handicap Doubles – this year this is a straight knockout.

GC Improvers C level Cup – This year this is a straight knockout

New Event – Level play doubles Division 1 Minimum joint handicap of 0 maximum joint handicap of 8

New Event – Level play doubles Division 2 Minimum joint handicap of 9

Handicaps are those you have on April 1st 2020

Please note that you may enter both Division 1 & 2 with the appropriate partner

Entries can either be posted to me; my address is on the entry form

Or Emailed to me at

Or left in the box in the entrance hall

Closing date for entries is Sunday 29th March

player-cartoon.pngAn AC 14pt competition every month throughout the season

Between the two clubs Sussex County and Tunbridge Wells there will be a one-day AC 14pt competition each month.

The dates are 

16 April, 9 July, 3 September @ Tunbridge Wells

20 May, 10 June, 5 August @ Southwick

You can enter the SCCC events on the website (payment on the day) or, for the Tunbridge Wells events, by email or phone to Alex Jardine (see CA directory for number).

Christmas Club Lunch 2019

Saturday saw nearly 70 members gather for the annual Christmas Lunch at the Club. As always it was a terrific occasion. These are the people who made it all possible:


(Sally Fieldman, Chrissy Isaacs, Pat Harden, Fran Box, Judith Peak, Linda Gavigan getting food prepared the day before - photo: Moira Harlow)

By any standards this is a huge operation and the result of hours of time and effort volunteered by many of the club's members.

So thank you all for a lovely occasion - and a Happy Christmas and New Year to all who helped!

System maintenance - 01/12/2019 08:57

The one-day competitions entry system is back on-line. Most of the changes are to the administration and should not be noticed by uses.

Please report any issues the the Webmaster.


Victor Ludorum

Roger Sutton has announced the winners  of this years Victor Ludorum Trophy’s are:_

GC   Winner Reg Soffe 

  2nd Philip Harrison            

  3rd Chris Bailey

AC     Winner  Chris Coull         

Runner Up Martyn Cooperman

SCCC Finals Week 2019 - 20/09/2019 18:52

SCCC Finals Week 2019

Lawn Competition Format Players
4 President's Cup GC GC- One 19 point game Ian Cobbold V Liz Farrow or Roger Sutton Tuesday 24th September AM
2 Fryer Cup AC AC handicap 26-point game Time limit 3.5 hours David Gillett V Martyn Cooperman Friday 27th September 10 AM
Moore Cup AC 26 point Advances Best of 3 games Paul Castell V Alan Cottle or Chris Coull
Freddy Reynolds One Ball ? Best of 3 handicap games Chris Coull V Liz Farrow or David Gaitley

Lawn Competition Format Players
1 New Challenge Cup AC Handicap 26 point game advances rules Clive Grimley V David Gillett Saturday 28th September AM
1 Chairman's Cup GC GC - Best of 3 x 13 pt. level play games Malcolm Beacham V Graham Tucker Wednesday Day 2nd October 2pm
2 Shine Salvers Handicap alternate- stroke doubles competition. 26-point games Time limit David & Deborah Marcus V Jeff Rushby & Bruce Carr 24th September 11am start
GC Handicap Doubles Cup GC GC - Best of 3 x 13 pt. handicap games Winners Bob and Robyn Clark
1 GC Improvers Cup GC - Best of 3 x 13 pt. handicap games Roger Buxton V Sandra Towner Thursday 26th September 2pm

Lawn Competition Format Players
1 Sussex Gold Cup AC Handicap 26 point game Time Limit 3.5 hrs. Martyn Cooperman v Paul Castell Wednesday 25th September Start
4 Golf Handicap Singles Cup Best of 3 x 13 pt. handicap games Phil Harrison V Chris Bailey or Reg Soffe Thursday 26th September 2pm
4 9 am start Millennium Shield Best of 3 26 point games Dominic Nunns V Chris Coull To be played 6th October

Lawn Competition Format Players
1 Quaich GC GC- Best of 3x 13 pt. level play games Morgan Case v Liz Farrow Saturday 28th September
2 Daldy Cup AC Handicap 26 point game Time limit 3.5 hours Winner Anne Bolland
4 D'Esterre Bowl AC handicap 26 point game Time limit 3.5 hours Martyn Cooperman V John Taylor Thursday 26th September 10am

Already played / decided by block play

Diana Brothers Drawn Pairs Winners Chris Bailey & Pat Mechem Franc Cup Winner Anne Bolland

Bush Cup - winner Bruce Carr

Hazel Parker - Winner Bruce Carr

Dominic Nunns going to Australia for AC World Championship


Dominic Nunns has been selected to take a ranking place in the UK team travelling to Melbourne, Australia in February next year for the AC World Championships.

A fantastic achievement Dominic - congratulations!!

Winter coaching plans - 12/09/2019 09:19

Director of the Croquet Academy at Southwick, Janet Troptroff have published details of winter coaching plans here.

Liz Farrow win Sussex Open

LizRobert.jpgIn a two match final against Robert Clark Liz won the Sussex Open GC Championship, taking home the Hamilton Cup.

Twenty four players entered the competition and spent Saturday playing in four blocks. Eight players qualified for the knockout championship (Stuart Smith, Ross Bagni, Robert Clark, Robin Wootton, Richard Brooks, Roger Sutton, Peter Balchin and Liz Farrow) and played best-of-three matches thoughout Sunday; the remaining players had a four-round Swiss competition for the Plate event, which was won by Ryan Cabble.

Stuart Smith, as the previous holder of the trophy and this year's winner of the GC A Series would have been a safe bet to win the trophy again, but he was evicted by Robert Clark 7-6, 5-4 in the semi-final. Robert himself was bested in the final by Liz 7-6, 6-5.

The Southwick lawns were in good shape, despite the very heavy use over the season, including the recent World GC - a tribute to the good work by our Contractor (and club member who played in this event) Ben Harwood.

Plenty of enjoyable croquet seems to have been played in good spirit and pleasant weather (if chilly in the mornings). Please all come again next year!

Full Results

Block A SMS BH PB RC BA B Wins Net Hoops
Stuart M Smith 10 10 10 10 4 16
Ben Harwood 6 6 10 10 2 -4
Peter Balchin 6 10 10 10 3 9
Richard Carline 6 7 9 10 1 -1
Bill Arliss 6 9 2 3 0 -20
BYE 0 0

Block B RTC PG MH JH RS SW Wins Net Hoops
Robert T Clark 10 10 10 10 6 5 21
Paul Gunn 6 7 7 7 10 1 -12
Mark Hamilton 4 10 10 7 7 2 -7
Jane Humphreys 6 10 8 10 4 2 -6
Roger Sutton 4 10 10 7 10 3 -1
Stephen Wright 5 9 10 10 8 2 5

Block C RB DG CH IS GT RW Wins Net Hoops
Richard Brooks 10 10 9 10 10 5 15
Daphne Gaitley 7 4 2 10 3 1 -23
Christopher Heath 6 10 10 10 7 3 5
Ian Shore 8 10 7 10 7 2 8
Gavin Taylor 6 9 7 3 8 0 -17
Robin Wootton 7 10 10 10 10 4 12

Block D RB RC MC LF CM LS Wins Net Hoops
Ross Bagni 10 7 9 10 10 3 7
Ryan Cabble 9 10 10 5 10 3 7
Morgan Case 10 8 3 9 10 2 -4
Liz Farrow 10 5 10 10 10 4 11
Christine Merrington 4 10 10 6 8 2 -6
Louise Smith 6 4 7 6 10 1 -15

Championship Knockout

First Round Semi Final Final Winner
Stuart Smith Stuart Smith 6-5, 7-1 Robert Clark 6-5, 4-5, 6-3 Liz Farrow 7-6, 6-5
Ross Bagni
Robert Clark Robert Clark 7-6, 5-4
Robin Wootton
Richard Brooks Richard Brooks 7-5, 7-5 Liz Farrow 6-3, 7-1
Roger Sutton
Peter Balchin Liz Farrow 7-3, 7-5
Liz Farrow

Championship playoffs

Stuart Smith beat Richard Brooks 10-6 to take 3rd place (Richard Brooks 4th place).

Ross Bagni beat Robin Wootton 5-7, 7-5, 7-6 and Peter Balchin (who received a walk-over from Roger Sutton)10-6 to take 5th place (Peter Balchin 6th place).

Robin Wootton received a walk-over from Roger Sutton to take 7th place.

Consolation Event

Plate Games Wins Win % Results
Ryan Cabble 4 4 100.0% P.Gunn +4, C.Merrington +2, R.Carline +4, I.Shore +4
Louise Smith 4 3 75.0% C.Heath +5, J.Humphreys +1, I.Shore -5, M.Case +2
Stephen Wright 4 3 75.0% C.Merrington -1, L.Taylor +1, G.Taylor +4, R.Carline +4
Ian Shore 4 3 75.0% L.Taylor +4, M.Case +3, L.Smith +5, R.Cabble -4
Christopher Heath 3 2 66.7% L.Smith -5, P.Gunn +1, C.Merrington +4
Morgan Case 4 2 50.0% G.Taylor +5, I.Shore -3, J.Humphreys +3, L.Smith -2
Paul Gunn 4 2 50.0% R.Cabble -4, C.Heath -1, P.Balchin +4, G.Taylor +4
Jane Humphreys 3 1 33.3% R.Carline +4, L.Smith -1, M.Case -3
Christine Merrington 3 1 33.3% S.Wright +1, R.Cabble -2, C.Heath -4
Richard Carline 4 1 25.0% J.Humphreys -4, G.Taylor +2, R.Cabble -4, S.Wright -4
Gavin Taylor 4 0 0.0% M.Case -5, R.Carline -2, S.Wright -4, P.Gunn -4
Louise Taylor 2 0 0.0% I.Shore -4, S.Wright -1
Peter Balchin 1 0 0.0% P.Gunn -4

Other games

A number of 'bye' games were played (counting on card but not to tournament result)
Ben Harwood beat David Gaitley 10-9
Peter Balchin beat John Low 10-5
Richard Carline beat David Gaitley 10-6
Bill Arliss beat David Gaitley 10-8
Robin Wootton beat Stephen Wright 7-1.

There may be other unrecorded games including a Richard Carline doubles special on lawn 8 - result unknown but clearly greatly enjoyed.

Winter one-day competitions have changed!

Please put the following dates in your diaries!

October 18th GC level play singles  This is now an AC tournament.

November 1st GC level play doubles

November 22nd GC level play singles

More winter tournaments here

All the above should be entered on-line on the Club's website.

Roger Sutton